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On site workshops
How to plan a successful retirement This is our flagship workshop

We only offer this as an on-site session as it runs for most of the day which would simply be too much via video. This is a comprehensive workshop designed (and well proven) to give delegates tools and skills to have the very best opportunity to prepare for that big day be it sooner or later.

Also, our experience tells us that its not just about the money. The final part of the workshop looks at some of the psychological challenges we can face after finishing work and we consider strategies to help us mitigate those challenges. That obviously follows in depth coverage of the financial side of retirement, with affordability being a key area of concern for many.

This content packed day will include:

  • How different pensions work (including yours).
    – Defined Benefit & Defined Contribution
  • What is tax relief and how does it work for you?
  • How do they look after our money?
  • How you can decide your retirement date not the state.
  • How can you increase your retirement pot?
  • What to do with any other pensions.
  • How and when can you draw your pension benefits?
  • The 4 simple steps to planning your retirement, including how to work out if you’ll have enough.
  • How much will I need?
  • Other considerations
    – it’s not all about the money!
    – Are you prepared financially and mentally?
    – Are you aligned with partners/other stakeholders?
    – What can you do now to help later?

Of course we always make sure we answer the two most common questions, when can I go? And how much will I need?

All course materials are included such as Pensions Organiser and Retirement Income Planner. This means delegates should leave the session with all they need to get to work on their own Successful Retirement Plan.

Have a look at what some of our delegates had to say about this workshop.

What they say...

Any employer genuinely interested in the financial well-being of their people should use cfed, we have since 2012. They really make a difference.

Julie Doyle, CEO
Longhurst Group

It gave me a greater knowledge and understanding of pensions (both DB and DC), the tools to be able to calculate whether our pots will cover our retirement expectations and food for thought about other things that could directly/indirectly affect our retirement too.

It gave me information to make informed choices, as no two peoples choices will be the same (it depends what you want to get out of your retirement and your personal circumstances). I left the course feeling empowered, armed with information that will aide me to put plans in action now, to ensure I have a comfortable retirement later.

Many thanks for yesterday, we really enjoyed the day.

Despite previously working through several financial plans I came away with an awful lot of additional financial information around retirement investments, future tax efficiencies, property advice, plus most importantly getting prepared both mentally and emotionally for retirement which I am currently struggling with.

I have recommended your course for any staff over 50 to our director of Procurement at Leeds Teaching Hospitals.

Again many thanks.

Martin Ball MCIPS
Head of IT Procurement | Leeds Teaching Hospital
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If you are looking for an impartial friendly discussion on any of our financial education services, please get in touch.

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